Saturday, January 12, 2019

What do Hermies love?

Popcorn!!!!!!!!!!Hermit crabs loooooooooove popcorn!But you should  never give them extra butter/salt  popcorn!!!!
How to make healthy Hermie popcorn!
~cocunut oil (small amount)
~Paper bag
~Plain popcorn kernals
Stir a small amount of oil into the kernels to evenly coat them. Pour them into the lunch bag, fold it over a few times and microwave using the popcorn setting.

Watch the popcorn the whole time! As long as you watch and smell carefully this probably won't happen.

Let the popcorn cool and store it in a baggie. Hermies don't mind if it's a little burnt or stale after a few months. You can also add it to a food mix! I also like to top it of with natrual blended strawberries
I got this recipe from check them out

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