Saturday, January 12, 2019

What do Hermies love?

Popcorn!!!!!!!!!!Hermit crabs loooooooooove popcorn!But you should  never give them extra butter/salt  popcorn!!!!
How to make healthy Hermie popcorn!
~cocunut oil (small amount)
~Paper bag
~Plain popcorn kernals
Stir a small amount of oil into the kernels to evenly coat them. Pour them into the lunch bag, fold it over a few times and microwave using the popcorn setting.

Watch the popcorn the whole time! As long as you watch and smell carefully this probably won't happen.

Let the popcorn cool and store it in a baggie. Hermies don't mind if it's a little burnt or stale after a few months. You can also add it to a food mix! I also like to top it of with natrual blended strawberries
I got this recipe from check them out

Friday, January 11, 2019

FAQs and more

How big of a aquarium?
Well, for two to threee small crabs you’ll be just fine with10 gallon tank.When you have three or more medium to large sized crabs you’ll need a 20 gallon tank. I use Tetra for my aqurium and All Living Things as my food.I like All Living Things because its firtst ingrediment is meat. I mix it with Tetra Fish Food and I think they enjoy it more.

How many crabs should I buy?

Crabs in the wild live in packs of 40 or more and roam at night despite the name,Hermit Crab, they love company.You should start off with at least two.When you have them for at least two months then you might think about aquiring another one.

Can crabs eat Popcorn?

Belive it or not Hermit crabs can eat popcorn!But don’t even think about giving them a micorwavable bag because they need unsalted and unbuttered popcorn.Once a week you can give them popcorn because its a very healthy treat, just remember no butter or salt.

What foods can Hermies eat?

~ mango
~fish flakes
A good recipe for crab food is ~NO ONIONS~

What is the average Hermit Crab age?

Hermit Crabs in the wild can live up to 30 years but when in poorly kept facilities they uaslly last up to a year.But when in a fairly kept facilitie they can live up to 5 years.

What do you when a crab pinches you?

If a crab pinches you would want to submerge your hand in water.When you do this you should do this eith distilled or salt water, seeing as tap water is bad for your crab.

When do you want to buy a crab?

A crab is a great low mantinence animal.They are great for people who want company, like college students, who would like something to care for. There is low matinence work involved e.g making food, playing with them, making salt water but really all you have to do is have your feed schedlue and let them out to play and walk around when you get home for school/work.They make great spill out your feelings pet, you can litteraly tell them everything they wont tell ;).Once every 3 months you deep clean their cage and make sure there are no mites etc.They are cute,

Do Hermit Crabs like to climb?

Yes,Yes,and Yes!!!When you purchase a crab then you defiantly want to have a crab climbing net ,but  make sure that it is unwaxed.

Shells and no paint!!!!!

Your crabs need to do something called molting.Molting occurs once a year and helps the crab shed their skin.When the crab sheds or molts the burry underground and lose their shell~it looked CREEPY!!Usually the crab molts underground but once in a blue moon they molt above ground do you tell if its not dead? Well this is kind of hard to tell but a good rule of thumb is if it stinks its dead. Anyway when your crab is done with molting, then he will want to move into a clean new shell.Now you can buy shells at your local petstores but you can shy away from painted shells.Painted shells contain toxins that can posion your crab even if it is “crab safe”.So stick with shells that dont hyave any chemicals.Since Hermit Crabs are scavengers they can also live in other things but its best to stick with the classic crab shells..

Thursday, January 10, 2019

First things First


Names,are what connects you with your crabs!You can give them any kind of Hermie names.In this post I’ll tell you some great hermit names.

   So the equipment and food they give you at the mall or beach shop is nonusable!The cage they give

you is to small with a skim amounts of sand. Also the food that they give is mostly Zoo Med it is one of the WORST brands!So if they give you Zoo med throw it away!!!! I have never tried making my Hermie food but I’ve found a pretty good recipe in the link below.
So the store bought food that I use is All Living Things I’ve heard good and bad things about this but I mix it with fish food and they love it but its defiently not as healthy as homade stuff.A good rule of thumb is never feed your crab onions or artifical sweetener.There is a list of what Hermit crabs can’t eat on the Hermit Crab Association.But besides food your Hermies need distilled water and salter water. To make salt water just take a teaspoon of HERMIT CRAB salt~NOT table salt!Mix your Distilled Water in the salt.You also will need a 10 gallon aquriam even for only one crab.You would also want to buy a net for them to clib on. Also you need thermonater for your crab tank.

About Me

I have 2 Hermits currently and their names are Sebastean and Claudia. I got them from my local pet store a few months back. However,they where not the first ones I had.The first ones I got where at a “beach shop” in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee ,sadly one of the two crabs I bought died a week later most likely from PPS (a term most commonly used in the hermie world it means “post purchase stress”) I picked it up,expecting it to be alive and it fell out of its shell into the water!I was really sad that my friendly crab,Coral, died. So I got two more crabs which are the ones I mentioned above,Sebastean and Claudia.Sadly a few weeks ago my first crab I got died.😢 But no need to worry this blog is to help you have the happiest hermies!
